WOO-HOO!!!! I HAVE GONE ALL...THE...WAY!!!!! I have completed the poem a day challenge for April! I'd like to thank all of you that read my poems and put up with me this month! I'll be back to novel writing soon, in the mean time, today's challenge was to write about an ending, so without any further ado, here's my poem...
The End of Apathy
Landing in Dublin, we could do anything.
We had proven to ourselves that we could
go anywhere,
be anything.
In a candy store, the funny accent said
America was under attack. Must be some
radio drama.
At a pub that night, we watched as planes
smacked the towers
In a continuous loop
a continuous loop
Ireland sympathized, it's citizens asking
if we knew anyone there.
We're from Missouri, so no.
We sympathized, the cliché holds true,
Many New York Police and Fire Fighters are
We all agreed something needed to be done.
Our 'elected' leaders certainly did something.
Squandering the world's confidence,
they filled their war profiteering pockets.
We played our video games, watched our reality shows,
and generally didn't care as the world was ransacked
in our name.
Now is not the time for apathy.
Now is the time to dream
to hope
to vote
Now is the time to not allow another election to
be stolen, because there will simply be too many of us.
-Justin M. Howe
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 29
Yay!!! I got myself caught up!!!! Only one day left! Whew! Today's two fer Tuesday challenge was to write a poem about exercise, or a poem in 2nd person. I decided to combine these, and had a lot of fun!
Exercise Can Be For You!
Is going to the gym just not for you?
Do you look at that machine in the
corner holding up your jeans and think
some day you should probably use that
Why don't you step outside? That's right,
you don't need those muscle men and Barbie
dolls staring at your cellulite-infused thighs
while you try desperately to find your
rhythm on the stair master. Why stay inside
your home when the fresh air and the blooming
flowers beckon?
Do yourself a favor and ride a bike, take a
hike, do anything but go to the sweat-smelling
gym or stay in your musty home.
Act now, carbon dioxide may get the best of
this planet soon, so hurry and get outside
before it's too late!
-Justin M. Howe
Exercise Can Be For You!
Is going to the gym just not for you?
Do you look at that machine in the
corner holding up your jeans and think
some day you should probably use that
Why don't you step outside? That's right,
you don't need those muscle men and Barbie
dolls staring at your cellulite-infused thighs
while you try desperately to find your
rhythm on the stair master. Why stay inside
your home when the fresh air and the blooming
flowers beckon?
Do yourself a favor and ride a bike, take a
hike, do anything but go to the sweat-smelling
gym or stay in your musty home.
Act now, carbon dioxide may get the best of
this planet soon, so hurry and get outside
before it's too late!
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 28
This one takes a little explaining. This challenge was to write a sestina. This was probably the hardest challenge yet. I'll let Robert Brewer explain how a sestina works:
* It's a poem consisting of 7 stanzas.
* The first 6 stanzas have 6 lines; the final stanza has 3 lines.
* There are only 6 end words to each line throughout the 39-line poem.
* They rotate in the following pattern:
1-End Word 1
2-End Word 2
3-End Word 3
4-End Word 4
5-End Word 5
6-End Word 6
7-End Word 6
8-End Word 1
9-End Word 5
10-End Word 2
11-End Word 4
12-End Word 3
13-End Word 3
14-End Word 6
15-End Word 4
16-End Word 1
17-End Word 2
18-End Word 5
19-End Word 5
20-End Word 3
21-End Word 2
22-End Word 6
23-End Word 1
24-End Word 4
25-End Word 4
26-End Word 5
27-End Word 1
28-End Word 3
29-End Word 6
30-End Word 2
31-End Word 2
32-End Word 4
33-End Word 6
34-End Word 5
35-End Word 3
36-End Word 1
37-End Words 1 and 2
38-End Words 3 and 4
39-End Words 5 and 6
Usually, the best strategy is to pick out 6 words you think you can have fun with and that are probably somewhat flexible in how you can use them (this includes modifying a word here and there--like changing "cold" to "clod" to fit your purposes). Maybe throw in a word that is a little unique--if you really want to challenge yourself. And remember to have fun."
Did you get all that? Don't worry, I had to keep the window with this explanation next to the window I was typing in. Anyway, here were my words:
1 Trust
2 Killing
3 Lovely
4 Distant
5 Trade
6 Night
And without further ado, my poem:
Shining Armor
In this world, is there anyone you can truly trust?
Who can you, when everyone is out to make a killing?
You meet that special someone, who is simply lovely.
All too quickly, one or both of you become distant.
If it is the other, don't you wish you could trade?
All too quickly, she turns to another knight.
It could happen in the dead of night,
When even your eyes you can not trust
You can't sleep, for your love she has traded
For the guy if you saw you would likely kill.
You would chase him down if you saw him from a distance
for stealing your soul, you're only love.
Don't get me wrong, I've kept my true love,
I continue to hold her all through the night.
Though sometimes I'm accused of keeping my distance,
She stays, and though I'm unworthy, gives me her trust.
Of my heart, she has made the kill,
Though revived, of her, I would never make a trade.
For her, a life of solitude I have traded
For eyes ablaze and skin so lovely,
If anyone hurt her, I would likely kill.
In my best shining armor, I would be her knight.
If I did that, she would not question that it was me she could trust.
More often than not, though, I choose to stay distant.
I gather no comfort from my distance,
For compassion and intimacy, I would gladly trade
I am so undeserving of her trust
Yet she stays, making me feel lovely.
Yet I'm still awake at night,
trying so hard for my timidity to kill.
And why is it this hard to kill
that thing which makes me seem distant?
That would make me a brave and noble knight,
chivalry being my trade,
I would rescue the damsel, so lovely
and in me, she would know she could trust.
She could trust me to make that kill
And keep her love close, never distant
Worthy would this trade make me, to hold her through the night.
-Justin M. Howe
* It's a poem consisting of 7 stanzas.
* The first 6 stanzas have 6 lines; the final stanza has 3 lines.
* There are only 6 end words to each line throughout the 39-line poem.
* They rotate in the following pattern:
1-End Word 1
2-End Word 2
3-End Word 3
4-End Word 4
5-End Word 5
6-End Word 6
7-End Word 6
8-End Word 1
9-End Word 5
10-End Word 2
11-End Word 4
12-End Word 3
13-End Word 3
14-End Word 6
15-End Word 4
16-End Word 1
17-End Word 2
18-End Word 5
19-End Word 5
20-End Word 3
21-End Word 2
22-End Word 6
23-End Word 1
24-End Word 4
25-End Word 4
26-End Word 5
27-End Word 1
28-End Word 3
29-End Word 6
30-End Word 2
31-End Word 2
32-End Word 4
33-End Word 6
34-End Word 5
35-End Word 3
36-End Word 1
37-End Words 1 and 2
38-End Words 3 and 4
39-End Words 5 and 6
Usually, the best strategy is to pick out 6 words you think you can have fun with and that are probably somewhat flexible in how you can use them (this includes modifying a word here and there--like changing "cold" to "clod" to fit your purposes). Maybe throw in a word that is a little unique--if you really want to challenge yourself. And remember to have fun."
Did you get all that? Don't worry, I had to keep the window with this explanation next to the window I was typing in. Anyway, here were my words:
1 Trust
2 Killing
3 Lovely
4 Distant
5 Trade
6 Night
And without further ado, my poem:
Shining Armor
In this world, is there anyone you can truly trust?
Who can you, when everyone is out to make a killing?
You meet that special someone, who is simply lovely.
All too quickly, one or both of you become distant.
If it is the other, don't you wish you could trade?
All too quickly, she turns to another knight.
It could happen in the dead of night,
When even your eyes you can not trust
You can't sleep, for your love she has traded
For the guy if you saw you would likely kill.
You would chase him down if you saw him from a distance
for stealing your soul, you're only love.
Don't get me wrong, I've kept my true love,
I continue to hold her all through the night.
Though sometimes I'm accused of keeping my distance,
She stays, and though I'm unworthy, gives me her trust.
Of my heart, she has made the kill,
Though revived, of her, I would never make a trade.
For her, a life of solitude I have traded
For eyes ablaze and skin so lovely,
If anyone hurt her, I would likely kill.
In my best shining armor, I would be her knight.
If I did that, she would not question that it was me she could trust.
More often than not, though, I choose to stay distant.
I gather no comfort from my distance,
For compassion and intimacy, I would gladly trade
I am so undeserving of her trust
Yet she stays, making me feel lovely.
Yet I'm still awake at night,
trying so hard for my timidity to kill.
And why is it this hard to kill
that thing which makes me seem distant?
That would make me a brave and noble knight,
chivalry being my trade,
I would rescue the damsel, so lovely
and in me, she would know she could trust.
She could trust me to make that kill
And keep her love close, never distant
Worthy would this trade make me, to hold her through the night.
-Justin M. Howe
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 27
This challenge was to write one side of a phone conversation...
No seriously, who is this?
You're serious?
I knew it!
Thank you, thank you so much!
I understand that.
Ok, take it easy.
Ah! I should have said...
-Justin M. Howe
No seriously, who is this?
You're serious?
I knew it!
Thank you, thank you so much!
I understand that.
Ok, take it easy.
Ah! I should have said...
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 26
This challenge was to use the phrase "I'm so over (____)". Yeah, this came easy.
I'm so over this apartment!
It's not my own.
Might as well burn my paychecks
I'd love to give the foul-mouthed
neighbor a poke in the eye
I'm trying to play with my kid, you-
Deep breath
It's not so bad
If something breaks, just call
Wish they spoke English
Wish they didn't use material
from the lowest bidder
Deep breath
Wish the neighbors didn't
throw their cigarette butts everywhere
Deep breath
I mean really, do we have to live in an ashtray?
Deep, deep breath
It really isn't that bad-
Someone parked in front of my garage again!
I'm so over this apartment!
-Justin M. Howe
I'm so over this apartment!
It's not my own.
Might as well burn my paychecks
I'd love to give the foul-mouthed
neighbor a poke in the eye
I'm trying to play with my kid, you-
Deep breath
It's not so bad
If something breaks, just call
Wish they spoke English
Wish they didn't use material
from the lowest bidder
Deep breath
Wish the neighbors didn't
throw their cigarette butts everywhere
Deep breath
I mean really, do we have to live in an ashtray?
Deep, deep breath
It really isn't that bad-
Someone parked in front of my garage again!
I'm so over this apartment!
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 25
Today's challenge was to write a poem about a job.
Security Blanket
A decade ago I took a
'get me through college' job
It was a good job
Secure, like a good blanket
A decade later
I'm still there
Granted, the company has
promoted me
relocated me
Made a 'career man' out of me
But how much longer can I sustain it?
When it doesn't seem to pay the bills
Doesn't offer the promise it once did
Can I turn away now?
Leave it all behind?
What exactly would I be leaving again?
I think I've outgrown my security blanket.
-Justin M. Howe
Security Blanket
A decade ago I took a
'get me through college' job
It was a good job
Secure, like a good blanket
A decade later
I'm still there
Granted, the company has
promoted me
relocated me
Made a 'career man' out of me
But how much longer can I sustain it?
When it doesn't seem to pay the bills
Doesn't offer the promise it once did
Can I turn away now?
Leave it all behind?
What exactly would I be leaving again?
I think I've outgrown my security blanket.
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 24
This challenge was to write a poem based on a photo. I chose the pictures that my 14 year old chooses on MySpace and other social networking sites as her...
She holds the camera up
Creating an odd angle
Almost bird's eye
but false
She purses her lips
Is that a kiss or a pout?
And posts it on the internet
for all to see
The corruption of a teenager
in digital splendor?
Or just a young person
finding herself?
Should I be concerned
or elated that she's
expressing herself at all?
-Justin M. Howe
She holds the camera up
Creating an odd angle
Almost bird's eye
but false
She purses her lips
Is that a kiss or a pout?
And posts it on the internet
for all to see
The corruption of a teenager
in digital splendor?
Or just a young person
finding herself?
Should I be concerned
or elated that she's
expressing herself at all?
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 23
This challenge was to write on the passage of time or age. Here's my go...
The Great River Time
Time flows by like the swift current
of an eternal river
Time ebbs and flows, never warning
when it will speed up
Or when
Is this illusion?
I don't think so
We are the masters of reality
I just think most of us get it wrong
We cling to the bad times
While releasing the good
All the while resenting the
reality we create
-Justin M. Howe
The Great River Time
Time flows by like the swift current
of an eternal river
Time ebbs and flows, never warning
when it will speed up
Or when
Is this illusion?
I don't think so
We are the masters of reality
I just think most of us get it wrong
We cling to the bad times
While releasing the good
All the while resenting the
reality we create
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 22
Today's prompt was for Earth Day, so in the 'Two fer Tuesday' tradition, the challenge was to write a poem about either nature or industrial. I think I combined both...
The weight of the pack on my back
The smell of pine on the air
This is where I belong
Climbing these mountains
No cell phone
No computer
No television
This is how God meant man to be
But there's a call I'm expecting
I haven't checked my email in a while
I miss my favorite show
So I descend back to civilization
Back to pollution and decay
I am still a man of this earth
this century
Civilization blinds me
Until I just can't see any other way
-Justin M. Howe
The weight of the pack on my back
The smell of pine on the air
This is where I belong
Climbing these mountains
No cell phone
No computer
No television
This is how God meant man to be
But there's a call I'm expecting
I haven't checked my email in a while
I miss my favorite show
So I descend back to civilization
Back to pollution and decay
I am still a man of this earth
this century
Civilization blinds me
Until I just can't see any other way
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 21
Today's challenge was to do some 'snooping'. That is, to go out somewhere and overhear a bit of dialogue somewhere and use it in a poem. Here's what I posted to the blog:
I usually refrain from explaining my poems, but there's a guy I work with that punctuates his stories and anecdotes with 'here's the thing'. He always puffs his chest out or points at you to make sure that the thing he is announcing is just too good to miss. So, I've witnessed him do this to others as well as myself, so I'm counting it as 'snooping.' So there....
'Cause Here's the Thing
All you have to do is look interested
I'll babble on about things that might
seem uninteresting to you,
And I'll be completely oblivious.
'Cause here's the thing,
Nobody's more interesting than me
I'm in to everything you're not.
I'll interrupt interesting conversations
you're having with someone else
'Cause here's the thing,
I never learned social grace
I was too wrapped up in myself
to notice there are rules
Social rules that one learns by doing
'cept I never do it, so don't blame me
'Cause here's the thing,
You'll only know me for a short while,
And in that time some nugget of wisdom
or truth may sneak out of my mouth
It might take you a while to figure out
'Cause here's the thing,
Something I say will stick in your head
And as you roll it around in there, a
light bulb will come on
And you'll actually learn something from
the experience
-Justin M. Howe
I usually refrain from explaining my poems, but there's a guy I work with that punctuates his stories and anecdotes with 'here's the thing'. He always puffs his chest out or points at you to make sure that the thing he is announcing is just too good to miss. So, I've witnessed him do this to others as well as myself, so I'm counting it as 'snooping.' So there....
'Cause Here's the Thing
All you have to do is look interested
I'll babble on about things that might
seem uninteresting to you,
And I'll be completely oblivious.
'Cause here's the thing,
Nobody's more interesting than me
I'm in to everything you're not.
I'll interrupt interesting conversations
you're having with someone else
'Cause here's the thing,
I never learned social grace
I was too wrapped up in myself
to notice there are rules
Social rules that one learns by doing
'cept I never do it, so don't blame me
'Cause here's the thing,
You'll only know me for a short while,
And in that time some nugget of wisdom
or truth may sneak out of my mouth
It might take you a while to figure out
'Cause here's the thing,
Something I say will stick in your head
And as you roll it around in there, a
light bulb will come on
And you'll actually learn something from
the experience
-Justin M. Howe
Monday, April 28, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 20
This challenge was to write a Love poem, with a capital 'L'. A few of my entries this month have dealt with love, but who can have enough love? Without any further ado...
Love Springs
The spring breeze comes in through the open window
It tussles your golden-red hair
You stir, green eyes open
They know me so well
"What are you doing?" you ask, eyes smiling
"Just watching." I say
"Stop it."
Just as Spring revives the Earth
from the dead of winter
Just as Flowers blossom in dirt
of death and decay
You breathe new life into the
husk of my soul
You give me new resolve
You inspire me to do what I must
to improve our life
For you, for us, for our daughter,
we build magic
We invent miracles
As the snow retreats from the mountain top,
you restore my faith
-Justin M. Howe
Love Springs
The spring breeze comes in through the open window
It tussles your golden-red hair
You stir, green eyes open
They know me so well
"What are you doing?" you ask, eyes smiling
"Just watching." I say
"Stop it."
Just as Spring revives the Earth
from the dead of winter
Just as Flowers blossom in dirt
of death and decay
You breathe new life into the
husk of my soul
You give me new resolve
You inspire me to do what I must
to improve our life
For you, for us, for our daughter,
we build magic
We invent miracles
As the snow retreats from the mountain top,
you restore my faith
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 19
This challenge was to write about those memories that you don't really have. Stories from being a baby, being drunk, being in a coma, etc. Here's my go at this...
Memories That I Don't Remember
I don't remember being called
'Buddha' due to my baby belly
flopping over my baby legs
I don't remember standing
in my crib, calling my
grandpa 'Ah-ho!'
I don't know if I truly
remember being terrified
of ET in the theater
but the squeamish-ness
at the sight of that
long-headed alien remains...
-Justin M. Howe
Memories That I Don't Remember
I don't remember being called
'Buddha' due to my baby belly
flopping over my baby legs
I don't remember standing
in my crib, calling my
grandpa 'Ah-ho!'
I don't know if I truly
remember being terrified
of ET in the theater
but the squeamish-ness
at the sight of that
long-headed alien remains...
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 18
This challenge was to use the line 'There is no connection." in a poem. It could be the title, the last line, or somewhere in the middle. I'll have a go...
"oh, what tangled web we weave
when first we practice to deceive."
-William Shakespeare
Lying is not forgivable
Especially to one you love
There is is an anecdote I
once heard;
'A lie is like a nail in wood
you can take the nail out
by saying you are sorry.
But the hole remains.'
Baby, you must feel perforated.
I wonder why you're so quick to
get upset
I try to tell you there is no connection
Between a decade ago and now
I almost convince myself as well
But the connection is the past
The past shapes the future
How, then, can we let go of the past
And still hope for the future?
We can't
Can't let go
It is in our nature
So we press on
We continue moving
We hope for the best
We do our best
And everything will come out okay
in the end.
-Justin M. Howe
"oh, what tangled web we weave
when first we practice to deceive."
-William Shakespeare
Lying is not forgivable
Especially to one you love
There is is an anecdote I
once heard;
'A lie is like a nail in wood
you can take the nail out
by saying you are sorry.
But the hole remains.'
Baby, you must feel perforated.
I wonder why you're so quick to
get upset
I try to tell you there is no connection
Between a decade ago and now
I almost convince myself as well
But the connection is the past
The past shapes the future
How, then, can we let go of the past
And still hope for the future?
We can't
Can't let go
It is in our nature
So we press on
We continue moving
We hope for the best
We do our best
And everything will come out okay
in the end.
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 17
Today's prompt was to write a poem in the 3rd person, without words like I, me, my, or even us or you. So here's my attempt:
She sits on the couch
OK, she can't read yet
But he marvels at how intelligent
she seems
Looking at the pictures
She laughs to herself
Does she know he's watching her?
Assessing her?
She is his perfect daughter
He tries to be a perfect father
It's easy, he thinks, to blame
the world
To believe it is not his fault
That it's not his decisions that
hold him back
She makes a noise behind him
He turns
It's time to play
That's a decision that's easy
to make
-Justin M. Howe
She sits on the couch
OK, she can't read yet
But he marvels at how intelligent
she seems
Looking at the pictures
She laughs to herself
Does she know he's watching her?
Assessing her?
She is his perfect daughter
He tries to be a perfect father
It's easy, he thinks, to blame
the world
To believe it is not his fault
That it's not his decisions that
hold him back
She makes a noise behind him
He turns
It's time to play
That's a decision that's easy
to make
-Justin M. Howe
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 16
Poem a day, Day 16
Today's challenge was to write an 'Alfred Hitchcock' poem, or one with a twist at the end. I hope I pulled it off...
Love Poem, or, Anxious Dreams
"I love you." she whispers
"I love you more." I whisper back
"Yeah, you're right." she smiles
It's dark, but the smile is in her voice
her smell
"Why do you stay?"
"I don't know."
"When will you go?"
"Probably soon."
I lay awake
I hear her smile
I see her
Her mangled body lying in a ditch
She's with a much better looking man
The windshield shattered with the impact
He pleases her
Baby, I wish you'd come home soon.
-Justin M. Howe
Today's challenge was to write an 'Alfred Hitchcock' poem, or one with a twist at the end. I hope I pulled it off...
Love Poem, or, Anxious Dreams
"I love you." she whispers
"I love you more." I whisper back
"Yeah, you're right." she smiles
It's dark, but the smile is in her voice
her smell
"Why do you stay?"
"I don't know."
"When will you go?"
"Probably soon."
I lay awake
I hear her smile
I see her
Her mangled body lying in a ditch
She's with a much better looking man
The windshield shattered with the impact
He pleases her
Baby, I wish you'd come home soon.
-Justin M. Howe
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 15
Today's challenge was to write an insult poem. I've been having trouble with a grumpy, cantankerous boss, so this came easy...
Morning approaches
I'm filled with dread
Already replaying previous words that you've said
I work hard all of the night
You tear down my achievements like you flick off a light
Yet I'm still proud of what I've done.
So who do you think you are?
Did you buy a bed with dual bad sides?
Judging by your troll-like figure, it must be in the genes,
Your mother couldn't trade you for any magic beans
So she must have prayed to the gods to vex you
curse you
with a sour disposition
so that no one could stand you
Throw in a little gender confusion, just to be sure,
And here you are to torment me
My only question?
Who did I vex that would curse me to be in your presence?
-Justin M. Howe
Morning approaches
I'm filled with dread
Already replaying previous words that you've said
I work hard all of the night
You tear down my achievements like you flick off a light
Yet I'm still proud of what I've done.
So who do you think you are?
Did you buy a bed with dual bad sides?
Judging by your troll-like figure, it must be in the genes,
Your mother couldn't trade you for any magic beans
So she must have prayed to the gods to vex you
curse you
with a sour disposition
so that no one could stand you
Throw in a little gender confusion, just to be sure,
And here you are to torment me
My only question?
Who did I vex that would curse me to be in your presence?
-Justin M. Howe
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 14
This challenge was a little different. There is a song by Feist called How My Heart Behaves. The challenge is to write a poem exchanging 'My Heart' for something else. So here's my go at it...
How My Fingers Behave
I stare at the blank screen before me
When all at once
a twitching
an itching
fingers begin to move
seemingly of their own accord
if they're writing well, I cannot guess
let others decide
if there's talent in
How My Fingers Behave
-Justin M Howe
How My Fingers Behave
I stare at the blank screen before me
When all at once
a twitching
an itching
fingers begin to move
seemingly of their own accord
if they're writing well, I cannot guess
let others decide
if there's talent in
How My Fingers Behave
-Justin M Howe
Poem a Day, Day 13
Today's challenge was to write a 'song response' poem. Here's mine.
Concerns of the Day
"Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be."
-Doris Day
The concerns of the day quickly take hold
Becoming concerns for the future
We can only live one day at a time
But we force ourselves to look to the future
Try to forget the past
Try to press on
Daily routines are forgotten to
plan, to
make arrangements, to
wrap yourself in
a better life
a better world
Life has a funny way of taking the reigns
Steering you off course
Sometimes for better
Sometimes for worse
But always
For the way it has to be.
-Justin M. Howe
Concerns of the Day
"Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be."
-Doris Day
The concerns of the day quickly take hold
Becoming concerns for the future
We can only live one day at a time
But we force ourselves to look to the future
Try to forget the past
Try to press on
Daily routines are forgotten to
plan, to
make arrangements, to
wrap yourself in
a better life
a better world
Life has a funny way of taking the reigns
Steering you off course
Sometimes for better
Sometimes for worse
But always
For the way it has to be.
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 12
This one is a bit embarassing. The challenge was to write an apology poem. Funny thing is, This challenge came down the day after something I really, REALLY needed to apologize for. I only hope I found a few words that do justice to my shame...
You looked at me in shocked astonishment
hitting my heart like super-charged defibrillation
What day is it?
What's the date?
Worst screw up ever
Becoming a cliché
Like a bad sitcom
No way to recover
I love you so much
There was so much going on
Days blending together
No excuse
Can't blame you
I can't believe
I forgot
I can't say I'm sorry
and think that's the end
I'm supposed to
adore you
cherish you
worship you
You are the center of my universe
somehow my orbit got askew
Life happens doesn't cut it
I want to be worthy of you
I want to cherish you
I do worship you
You inspire me
Yet I let you down
I'm not worthy to love you
yet I do
I'm not worthy of your love
yet you still say you love me
I adore you
I will cherish you
I will worship you
It's what you deserve
It's what I will do
Don't worry
Ball's in my court
I won't let you down
I promise
I'm sorry...
-Justin M. Howe
You looked at me in shocked astonishment
hitting my heart like super-charged defibrillation
What day is it?
What's the date?
Worst screw up ever
Becoming a cliché
Like a bad sitcom
No way to recover
I love you so much
There was so much going on
Days blending together
No excuse
Can't blame you
I can't believe
I forgot
I can't say I'm sorry
and think that's the end
I'm supposed to
adore you
cherish you
worship you
You are the center of my universe
somehow my orbit got askew
Life happens doesn't cut it
I want to be worthy of you
I want to cherish you
I do worship you
You inspire me
Yet I let you down
I'm not worthy to love you
yet I do
I'm not worthy of your love
yet you still say you love me
I adore you
I will cherish you
I will worship you
It's what you deserve
It's what I will do
Don't worry
Ball's in my court
I won't let you down
I promise
I'm sorry...
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 11
The challenge for the eleventh day was to write a poem about something often overlooked. He was thinking inanimate object, and so did I.
A most vital tool
I eat from it when I am at work
Although some think it's cute
And others think it's silly
I can't think of a better way to
have a meal
Than from my Batman lunchbox
-Justin M. Howe
A most vital tool
I eat from it when I am at work
Although some think it's cute
And others think it's silly
I can't think of a better way to
have a meal
Than from my Batman lunchbox
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 10
OK, I let myself fall behind on the Poem a Day challenge. Let me just say life happened. So I apologize in advance for the barrage of blog posts that are soon to follow. I post 'em as I write 'em, so this might happen all at once or I might need to spread this out, anyway, on to the tenth challenge:
Day ten's challenge was to write about a location. For some reason, I couldn't come up with anything. What I wound up with is a quick no-brainer. I can't believe I agonized over this for days. Anyway, since this post is already longer than the poem itself...
At Home
The television is teaching us how to share
to read to think to cooperate
We laugh at different times
There's no place I'd rather be
Except maybe to turn this thing off
and go outside to play.
-Justin M. Howe
Day ten's challenge was to write about a location. For some reason, I couldn't come up with anything. What I wound up with is a quick no-brainer. I can't believe I agonized over this for days. Anyway, since this post is already longer than the poem itself...
At Home
The television is teaching us how to share
to read to think to cooperate
We laugh at different times
There's no place I'd rather be
Except maybe to turn this thing off
and go outside to play.
-Justin M. Howe
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 9
Today’s challenge was to pick a word, any word, and write a poem about it or use it in different ways. Here’s my go at the word "community"
A loaded word. Is a family a community?
If so, it’s the only one I’ve felt I belong
Is it your neighborhood?
How many people talk to their neighbors anymore?
We go to our cars, heads down
We got things to do
can’t talk
can’t relate
must MySpace
-Justin M. Howe
A loaded word. Is a family a community?
If so, it’s the only one I’ve felt I belong
Is it your neighborhood?
How many people talk to their neighbors anymore?
We go to our cars, heads down
We got things to do
can’t talk
can’t relate
must MySpace
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 8
Today’s challenge was to use one of these two paintings:
Piazza D’Italia by Giorgio de Chirico
The Little Deer by Frida Kahlo
I chose to combine the two...
There’s a Storm Brewin’
There’s a storm brewin’
and you put it there
With your lies and your deals
"Meet me by the train station."
I saw you there, you didn’t see me
You were with...him.
I ran, hunters upon my back
I ran faster than I ever have...
They got me, seven eight nine times
with their arrows of truth
But you can’t keep me down
I will run back to you
And then you’ll see what this little deer
can do!
Inspired by the paintings
Piazza D’Italia by Giorgio de Chirico
The Little Deer by Frida Kahlo
-Justin M. Howe
Piazza D’Italia by Giorgio de Chirico
The Little Deer by Frida Kahlo
I chose to combine the two...
There’s a Storm Brewin’
There’s a storm brewin’
and you put it there
With your lies and your deals
"Meet me by the train station."
I saw you there, you didn’t see me
You were with...him.
I ran, hunters upon my back
I ran faster than I ever have...
They got me, seven eight nine times
with their arrows of truth
But you can’t keep me down
I will run back to you
And then you’ll see what this little deer
can do!
Inspired by the paintings
Piazza D’Italia by Giorgio de Chirico
The Little Deer by Frida Kahlo
-Justin M. Howe
frida kahlo,
giorgio de chirico,
novel writing,
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 7
The challenge here was to write a "ramble poem" that is to say, a poem where you just start writing without any kind of plan where you’ll end up. Think "stream of consciousness" in poem form...
My wife and baby snuggle as I
stare at the computer
I woke with dreams of work rebellion
Feeling betrayed and alone I
have retreated to the safety
of strangers
Digital friends I may never meet
While my wife lays an arm’s reach away
I should wake her
tell her how I feel
Tell her how much she keeps me alive
Without her I would have no poetry in my heart
Even when everything things gathers around
me, dragging me down, she is there
I am there for her, but more clumsy
saying the wrong things with good intentions
Promising to ’work on it.’
How much longer will she allow
me to ’work on it’?
When is the deadline?
She slumbers here beside me
I am blessed
-Justin M. Howe
My wife and baby snuggle as I
stare at the computer
I woke with dreams of work rebellion
Feeling betrayed and alone I
have retreated to the safety
of strangers
Digital friends I may never meet
While my wife lays an arm’s reach away
I should wake her
tell her how I feel
Tell her how much she keeps me alive
Without her I would have no poetry in my heart
Even when everything things gathers around
me, dragging me down, she is there
I am there for her, but more clumsy
saying the wrong things with good intentions
Promising to ’work on it.’
How much longer will she allow
me to ’work on it’?
When is the deadline?
She slumbers here beside me
I am blessed
-Justin M. Howe
Poem a Day, Day 6
OK, I fell a couple of days behind, but the following poem should help explain why. The challenge was to write about your day...
Dreading work, I awake
eyelids feeling like lead sheets
Superman could not penetrate
How much longer can I
sacrifice my creativity
to a graveyard shift without reward?
Kiss the family goodbye
everything feels sepia
like I won't be returning
Work proceeds apace
nothing new
nothing exciting
Boss still disappointed
wants even more hours,
but he's leaving early
How much longer can I
sacrifice my creativity
in order to be a cog?
Exhausted, arrive home
family out of focus,
going to the doctor
prescriptions in hand,
we'll all be ok
if I can just get some sleep...
How long can I
sacrifice my creativity
before I'm intolerable?
Try to write a
worthy poem
not today, brain still fuzzy
Not only am I in a job I hate
Not only do I make my family wait
But I myself I cannot tolerate
How much longer can I
sacrifice my creativity...
When can I again
be me?
-Justin M. Howe
Dreading work, I awake
eyelids feeling like lead sheets
Superman could not penetrate
How much longer can I
sacrifice my creativity
to a graveyard shift without reward?
Kiss the family goodbye
everything feels sepia
like I won't be returning
Work proceeds apace
nothing new
nothing exciting
Boss still disappointed
wants even more hours,
but he's leaving early
How much longer can I
sacrifice my creativity
in order to be a cog?
Exhausted, arrive home
family out of focus,
going to the doctor
prescriptions in hand,
we'll all be ok
if I can just get some sleep...
How long can I
sacrifice my creativity
before I'm intolerable?
Try to write a
worthy poem
not today, brain still fuzzy
Not only am I in a job I hate
Not only do I make my family wait
But I myself I cannot tolerate
How much longer can I
sacrifice my creativity...
When can I again
be me?
-Justin M. Howe
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 5
Today's challenge was to write about something that worries you. *gulp* Here goes...
I try not to worry
I try not to worry about the
little things
I don't worry if my hair
looks good
I don't worry if these jeans make me
look fat
I don't worry about the milk I
just spilled
I am not worried if you like
this poem
I am not worried if you think I have
no talent
I am not worried whether you realize I'm doing this
for me
I am not worried if these poems reach beyond
this blog
I am worried
that my wife is not happy
I am worried
that I may not raise my children the way I want
I am worried
that I've stayed in my job longer than is healthy
I am worried
that I have squandered whatever talent I may have had
If my wife is unhappy
I'll improve our life
If I make mistakes with my kids
I know I'm doing the best I can
If I let my job drag me down
I have the wrong attitude
If I let my talent wane
I can resuscitate it through practice and determination
Why worry?
I try not to worry
I try not to worry about the
little things
I don't worry if my hair
looks good
I don't worry if these jeans make me
look fat
I don't worry about the milk I
just spilled
I am not worried if you like
this poem
I am not worried if you think I have
no talent
I am not worried whether you realize I'm doing this
for me
I am not worried if these poems reach beyond
this blog
I am worried
that my wife is not happy
I am worried
that I may not raise my children the way I want
I am worried
that I've stayed in my job longer than is healthy
I am worried
that I have squandered whatever talent I may have had
If my wife is unhappy
I'll improve our life
If I make mistakes with my kids
I know I'm doing the best I can
If I let my job drag me down
I have the wrong attitude
If I let my talent wane
I can resuscitate it through practice and determination
Why worry?
Friday, April 4, 2008
Poem a Day, Day 4
Today's challenge was to write about something for which you are thankful. I am eternally grateful for...
My Wife
You challenge me
Have I been up to the challenge?
You inspire me
Have I been inspiring?
You love me
Have you felt loved?
For all of these things I am grateful
Do you feel appreciated?
You are a cool breeze off of the
snow-capped mountains
You are sea-mist off of the
grandest ocean
You are lush grass in a
desert oasis
You are my life
I will cherish you
You are my love
I will protect you
You are my wife
I adore you
-Justin M. Howe
My Wife
You challenge me
Have I been up to the challenge?
You inspire me
Have I been inspiring?
You love me
Have you felt loved?
For all of these things I am grateful
Do you feel appreciated?
You are a cool breeze off of the
snow-capped mountains
You are sea-mist off of the
grandest ocean
You are lush grass in a
desert oasis
You are my life
I will cherish you
You are my love
I will protect you
You are my wife
I adore you
-Justin M. Howe
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Poem a day, Day 3
Today’s challenge was Haiku. The definition of Haiku put forward was:
"1. It’s a 3-line poem.
2. While many think the lines should be 5-7-5 syllables, that’s actually not true. It’s 5-7-5 "sounds" if you’re writing in Japanese. For English purposes, it tends to be a shorter 1st and 3rd line--with a slightly longer 2nd line.
3. The haiku describes nature--with an emphasis on description. Haiku do not rhyme or use metaphors and/or similes.
4. Haiku includes a word to indicate season. For instance, the word "frog" might indicate spring; the word "snow" might indicate winter.
5. There’s also usually a juxtaposition of two sensory images. For instance, the most famous haiku involves a frog jumping into a pond as the first sensory image--the water’s sound as the second. When put together, the sensory images turn a very simple moment into a profound poem."
So here are two attempts:
Bird chirping loudly
Standing on wooden feeder
No one must cross him
Feline begging for food
Too occupied to serve him
I’ll pay for that
I wrote these this morning as soon as I got home from work. What do you think, brilliant or the ravings of an exhausted madman?
"1. It’s a 3-line poem.
2. While many think the lines should be 5-7-5 syllables, that’s actually not true. It’s 5-7-5 "sounds" if you’re writing in Japanese. For English purposes, it tends to be a shorter 1st and 3rd line--with a slightly longer 2nd line.
3. The haiku describes nature--with an emphasis on description. Haiku do not rhyme or use metaphors and/or similes.
4. Haiku includes a word to indicate season. For instance, the word "frog" might indicate spring; the word "snow" might indicate winter.
5. There’s also usually a juxtaposition of two sensory images. For instance, the most famous haiku involves a frog jumping into a pond as the first sensory image--the water’s sound as the second. When put together, the sensory images turn a very simple moment into a profound poem."
So here are two attempts:
Bird chirping loudly
Standing on wooden feeder
No one must cross him
Feline begging for food
Too occupied to serve him
I’ll pay for that
I wrote these this morning as soon as I got home from work. What do you think, brilliant or the ravings of an exhausted madman?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Poem a day, Day 2
The challenge was to write a poem from the point of view of someone else, so naturally I chose...
After a year and a half
I know more than you think
You still seem surprised
when I know what you mean
I love you and love to snuggle
But right now I need to run
to play to bite things
Why did you take that away?
I will cry,
but I'll get over it
This world is too wonderful
to spend much time sad
-Justin M. Howe
After a year and a half
I know more than you think
You still seem surprised
when I know what you mean
I love you and love to snuggle
But right now I need to run
to play to bite things
Why did you take that away?
I will cry,
but I'll get over it
This world is too wonderful
to spend much time sad
-Justin M. Howe
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
My first poem a day for April
Robert Lee Brewer at Writer's Digest has issued a 'poem a day' challenge for the month of April. Willing to give it a go, here's my first attempt.
Somewhere in the world
people will suffer.
Who out there will serve
as the buffer?
Sometimes it seems it can't
get tougher.
We wait for someone to
answer the call
But it seems there's
no one listening at all
Why isn't anyone
watching the ball?
Take a look, you'll find
dead eyes staring
Totally incapable of a
meaningful pairing
But why are all these folks
far beyond caring?
Blame it on the movies
Blame it on books
Blame it on the TV stars
with all their good looks
Blame it on video games
Or blame the computer
But there's only one place
to to find the mental looter
Look inside yourself for the
ultimate distraction
We've let all these in without
willful subtraction
You've got to find it in yourself
if you want to take action
Now I can't lie
I was like that too
Preferring entertainment
'stead of watching the news
But I realized something
that gave me the blues
I am a part of this earthly machine
I have to help to keep it green
'Cause we only have one
you know what I mean?
People are hungry
people are dying
All for the sake of Government lying
“Keep buying Keep spending
Keep driving Keep Trying”
But all I can hear are billions crying
-Justin M. Howe
Somewhere in the world
people will suffer.
Who out there will serve
as the buffer?
Sometimes it seems it can't
get tougher.
We wait for someone to
answer the call
But it seems there's
no one listening at all
Why isn't anyone
watching the ball?
Take a look, you'll find
dead eyes staring
Totally incapable of a
meaningful pairing
But why are all these folks
far beyond caring?
Blame it on the movies
Blame it on books
Blame it on the TV stars
with all their good looks
Blame it on video games
Or blame the computer
But there's only one place
to to find the mental looter
Look inside yourself for the
ultimate distraction
We've let all these in without
willful subtraction
You've got to find it in yourself
if you want to take action
Now I can't lie
I was like that too
Preferring entertainment
'stead of watching the news
But I realized something
that gave me the blues
I am a part of this earthly machine
I have to help to keep it green
'Cause we only have one
you know what I mean?
People are hungry
people are dying
All for the sake of Government lying
“Keep buying Keep spending
Keep driving Keep Trying”
But all I can hear are billions crying
-Justin M. Howe
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