Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Poem a Day, Day 8

Today’s challenge was to use one of these two paintings:

Piazza D’Italia by Giorgio de Chirico
The Little Deer by Frida Kahlo

I chose to combine the two...

There’s a Storm Brewin’

There’s a storm brewin’

and you put it there

With your lies and your deals

"Meet me by the train station."

I saw you there, you didn’t see me

You were with...him.

I ran, hunters upon my back

I ran faster than I ever have...

They got me, seven eight nine times

with their arrows of truth

But you can’t keep me down

I will run back to you

And then you’ll see what this little deer

can do!

Inspired by the paintings

Piazza D’Italia by Giorgio de Chirico


The Little Deer by Frida Kahlo

-Justin M. Howe


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